? Show us your mussels! We really want to see them, Kate!
Yes this week I am delighted to bring you a gorgeous mussels recipe from our lovely friend and food connoisseur @whatkatesate

Here’s what Kate has to say about her recipe:
⭐️ ‘I love seafood. In fact, I think my top 3 food heavens (if that’s a thing) would be crab, prawns and mussels.
Seafoodie dishes are always top of my list when I order at restaurants, however, seafood can be a little scary to cook.
⭐️ I have news for you – don’t be scared! I had never cooked mussels before until a few weeks ago, and now I am a pro mussel-cooker! They are one of the easiest and tastiest dishes and they look terribly impressive.
⭐️ If you fancy a picture perfect dish which would delight your friends and family, here’s the recipe!’
@whatkatesate has the most mouthwatering instagram page and she is a huge advocate of local produce and suppliers. If you are a foodie, you definitely want to give her a follow!