I’m really excited that filming has started in Redcar for the legal sitcom ‘Briefs’. Does it remind anyone else of when ‘The Mighty Redcar’ was being filmed in September 2018?
I must admit that I was cautious about the show at first. I thought that it would focus on all the negatives: long shots of deprived areas with sad music playing in the background, that sort of thing. It was with some trepidation that I sat down to watch it.
Our steel built the world. Our fish fed families across the country. Our seaside was the place you came to on holiday.
As each young person was introduced, smiling and hopeful despite the personal difficulties they faced, I started to realise that it is our community that makes Redcar truly mighty.
There were a few not-so-flattering shots, but the documentary’s focus was fundamentally a human one. The stories were relatable and inspiring. For every shot of a closed down business, there was another one of a resilient young person making the most out of life’s opportunities and dreaming big.
Director Dan Dewsbury.
Director Dan Dewsbury immersed himself in the town for a full year, and his admiration for the place and its people shines through. It felt like the people of Redcar were given the opportunity to tell their own story.
It’s not just me who fell in love with the show. It’s been scooping up glowing reviews from publications like The Times and The Northern Echo, with The Guardian calling it ‘proper heartwarming, heartrending film-making’. That’s not to mention the Bafta nomination!
‘The Mighty Redcar’ beat all its critics. It was hopeful, truthful, and resilient in the face of adversity. It looked towards the future with genuine hope.
What’s more Redcar than that?