
Networking and Events

Networking Events for Start-up businesses



BCCC Image

British Chamber of Commerce:

The British Chamber of Commerce is the national voice of local business and delivers services that help business grow. 

Website: http://www.britishchambers.org.uk/
Twitter: @britishchambers ‏
Email: enquiries@britishchambers.org.uk.



BNI Template

Business Network International:

Providing members with great networking opportunities both locally and internationally with many business events based in Tees Valley.

Website: http://www.bni-dt.co.uk/index.php
Twitter: @BNIDT


FSB Logo

Federation of Small Businesses:

Providing members with a wide range of vital business services including advice, financial expertise, support and a voice in government

Website: https://www.fsb.org.uk/
Twitter: @fsb_policy
Email: customerservices@fsb.org.uk


North East England Chamber of Commerce

The North East England Chamber of Commerce are a member organisation for businesses regardless of size, from SMEs to multi-nationals. Giving members access support and networking events, they can allow you to grow your network, knowledge, influence and reach.

Website: https://www.neechamber.co.uk/
Twitter: @NEEChamber
Email: info@neechamber.co.uk



Redcar and Cleveland Business Network:

A group of business owners from Redcar and Cleveland who support and empower each other to be successful in business.  Free network meetings held on the first Wednesday of the month providing helpful advice, opportunities and connections to grow your business.

Twitter: @BizNetworkRC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BizNetworkRC


TVBC logo

Tees Valley Business Club:

Aim is to bring businesses together to help them grow and network in a friendly and informal atmosphere. The forum meets monthly at varied venues across the Tees Valley.  There is a charge to attend based on number of employees within the business.

Website: http://www.teesvalleybusinessclub.co.uk/
Twitter: @teesvalleybc
Email: info@teesvalleybusinessclub.co.uk


TEN logo

Tees Engineering Network (TEN):

TEN has been set up to champion engineering companies within the Tees Valley.  The network invites larger companies to present their vision and projects to the forum to create introductions and potential supply chain opportunities, whilst also providing a forum for SMEs to promote themselves within this sector.

Website: http://www.teesengineeringnetwork.co.uk
Email: info@tees-engineering-network.co.uk


Wilton Centre

Wilton Wednesday:

Monthly networking and information sessions for Wilton Centre tenants held on the first Wednesday of every month from 12-1pm.  Organised by Wilton Centre and its Innovation Partners.

Website: http://t.co/1d2IY2XB9Q
Twitter: @TheWiltonCentre
Email: michael.anderson@wiltoncentre.co.uk

Business Events



NEPIC Cluster Connect

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NEPO: Bid Writing Masterclass – New to public sector tendering

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Visit Tees Valley Business Network

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