
Rural England Prosperity Fund

The Rural England Prosperity Fund is a government fund that has been developed to provide further support to rural areas and address the unique challenges they face. This will be achieved through the delivery of capital grants to fund suitable projects for the purposes of supporting the local economy and communities. 

The aim of the Rural Fund is to help improve productivity, strengthen and benefit the rural economy and rural communities. In Tees Valley, the Rural Fund can only be used to finance capital projects for small rural businesses and communities in rural areas of Redcar and Cleveland.

The Rural Fund objectives sit within the UKSPF investment priorities for:

  • Supporting Local Business
  • Communities and Place

Funding rounds will take place as follows:

Application window opensApplication window closes
Round 127-10-202315-11-2023
Round 2*11-12-202312-01-2024
Round 3*12-02-202401-03-2024
*Please Note: Subject to the volume and value of eligible applications received and approved, funding may be fully committed in Funding Round 1, therefore, Funding Rounds 2 and 3 will only be launched if the fund has not been fully committed in Funding Round 1.

Key information

Available: Now

Can I apply if my business is not trading yet? Yes

Eligible location: Identified as a rural area referenced by DEFRA magic map – available via the Tees Valley Combined Authority webpage (link below). 

Award available: £3k – £15k

Funding match required: 0%

Award type: Reimbursement grant – agreed projects must be completed and paid in full before receipt of a grant award, pending approval.

This fund is administered by Tees Valley Combined Authority. For more information and to apply, please visit here

If you are having difficulties completing your application for the Rural England Prosperity Fund and require further guidance, you can contact the Business Engagement Team for support by emailing business@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk

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